- Present at the Sourcing Summit. Topic: Employee Referrals in the Age of Social Media.
- Sit on a panel with a bunch of smart folks to discuss mobile recruiting.
- Mingle in the Tweetajob booth, shouting to everyone who will listen that we are going change the world, I tell ya'! If the shouting doesn't entice you, we'll be giving away t-shirts and tweets and more.
- Catch up with old friends, hang out, have a drink or two, especially if they attend the Tweetajob late night Blogathon or the Fail Spectacularly Party hosted by Laurie Ruettimann and Jason Selden.
- Meet up with my Chicago friends and family, have a juicy Portillo's combo sandwich.
- Maybe head to Milwaukee to see friends and family there, too.
- Have a glass of champagne with the Tweetajob crew, to celebrate a job well done!
That's what I'll be up to. Best way to reach me this week? Send a tweet. It's come to that.
If I don't have a Portillos, I will punch someone in the face.